
Wern-Linke Foundation for people in need

During our numerous stays abroad in several African and some Asian countries, we often had the opportunity to come into contact with people living there away from the tourist centers. Their often unimaginable poverty was often paired with courage and zest for life. We were deeply impressed and remembered as well as the realization that physical integrity, sufficient food and education often only depend on the availability of little financial means. Our foundation aims to help at least give individual people a better perspective in life.

We support projects in the developing world that take care of people in need, especially when children are affected. In order to receive financial help from our foundation, the initiators of the projects must be personally involved. We convince ourselves of this and of the direct use of the funding before and during the funding. This is agreed for one year. At the end of the year, further funding can take place. New projects can apply to us at any time.

For our work we ask YOUR support: Financially with one-off or regular amounts or by taking on a sponsorship. Or you can help in one of the projects for a while. Or you support us by promoting our work among your friends or acquaintances. For example, for a birthday or anniversary, you could ask for donations for our projects instead of gifts.

The Wern-Linke Foundation for People in Need is registered in Directory of foundations of the State of Berlin and is subject to foundation supervision by the Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination. The foundation is recognized as a non-profit organization and is therefore entitled to issue donation receipts. You will find the corresponding "information on tax breaks" from the tax office here.

The Founders

Sigrid Wern-Linke

Born in 1952 in Schleswig-Holstein, trained as a lawyer and notary assistant, studied law, presiding judge at the Berlin Administrative Court.

Dr. Hans-Werner Linke

Born in Hamburg in 1948, studied geology, worked at the Free University of Berlin and the Technical University of Berlin. Afterwards self-employed, research and exploration activities in Europe, Africa, Asia.
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